Short guide:
how to adjust the grind setting

Getting started: hunt for the zero point

To perfectly grind your coffeee, you have to find the zero point, that is where the burrs are touching.
Here’s what we suggest you:

  1. Tighten the adjustment to zero point.
    How? Turn towards ‘FINE’ until the dial no longer turns!
  2. Check the Grind Size Chart and find the perfect grind for you;
  3. Adjust the dial towards ‘COARSE’ until the desired step*. Hold on! During the first round (from Ø zero point to 17 steps from zero point) you won’t get ground coffee.
    Do not grind… it’s just a warm-up!
  4. Grind and enjoy your coffee!
*each step is equal to 47 μm

Grind size chart

Click on the desired extraction and find out how to adjust your Baby Grinder.
1.0 - 1.8
1.9 - 1.13
1.13 - 2.8
2.0 - 3.0
2.13 - 3.2
3.0 - 3.16
3.4 - 3.6
3.8 - 3.16
Warm up Turn 1 Turn 2 Turn 3